Contact us

Eki d.o.o.
Majer 27 | SI-8340 Črnomelj
  • +386 (0)7 30 53 174TEL
  • +386 (0)7 30 53 109FAX
  • sales@eki.siE-MAIL


DS & SR switches for household and industrial appliances. Single or double pole switches and push-buttons with or without signal lamp are available.

Manually operated switches are available with one or more sets of electrical contacts connected to external circuits. The mechanism actuating the transition can be either a "toggle" - flip switch for continuous "on" or "off" or "momentary" - push-for "on" or push-for "off" type.

We can offer you a variety of different combinations regarding the form of product, circuits, prints, colors of housings, rockers, lenses and glowing lamps. Low voltage lamps for d.c. circuits are also available.

We are able to follow up with your additional requests - we can design and manufacture customized switches.

DS switches

SR switches